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“I’m nobody! Who are you?”

I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there’s a pair of us — don’t tell!
They’d banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

— Emily Dickinson

I started this blog because I’m obsessed with novels, short stories, poetical works &c., and my family has refused to put up with my ranting and raving about these things any longer, so I’ve decided to ramble to you, the internet.

Since you probably came to this page to find out who the heck I am, (if that’s not why you’re on this page, you may be lost…) you can read all about me below. In addition, you can see my first post, containing more extensive autobiographical information about me and my motives for this blog, here.

  • My pseudonym is Elizabeth Anne. Elizabeth is a great name, for a whole bunch of reasons. Primarily because it’s a very common name in literature, Elizabeth Bennet, Elizabeth Proctor, Eliza Doolittle and so on. Also, there are a ton of variations of it, which I think is pretty cool. You can call me Elizabeth, Lizzy, Eliza, Liza, Beth, Betsy, Bess (although, I really can’t see myself as a Betsy or a Bess) or Elizabeth Anne or Lizzy Anne (I really like Lizzy Anne) or really any variation you want, BUT, Lizzy is spelled with a “y” not “ie” and it’s Anne with an “e”, which is far more distinguished, don’t you think?
  • With regards to location, my head is in the clouds, my nose is buried in a book and the rest of me should probably be doing something productive (but is not, because why write a meaningful piece of Literature or do my creative writing homework when I could be updating my About Me page!?). More literally, I’m from Canada, but I’m spending the year in “small-town America”, as someone who pretends to be friends with my mother once called it, at an artsy gap year programme.
  • I’m taking a year off from my “formal education” to attend the aforementioned “artsy gap year programme”. This fall I’ll be starting university in New York, where I plan on majoring in Literature.
  • I love reading, writing, watching movies and just generally living life so that’s mostly what this blog is about.

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5 responses »

  1. So Lizzy Anne,
    It seems that you have taken a sabbatical from figment while you blog away. I hope you are still writing stories as well as “diary” stories.
    BTW the dress looks stunning. I hope you will post pics of the prom. We don’t have Proms in Australia, so I didn’t have to go through the stress of “Is it the perfect unique dress that is similar to all my friends but somehow above their choice” dilemma.
    Linda D

  2. Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Here’s the info:

  3. Wilhelmina Upton

    Hey Lizzy, I nominated you for the 7×7 Award. You can check it out here×7-link-award/

  4. “With regards to location, my head is in the clouds, my nose is buried in a book and the rest of me should probably be doing homework…” Perfect. Love it.


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